The ideal all-round yoga mat for your individual yoga training.
The ideal all-round yoga mat for your individual yoga training. Lightweight, firm and offers a perfect grip. Experience the moment in full attentiveness with your AIREX® CALYANA yoga mat and feel the joy.
Size 185cm x 66cm x 0.68mm
The Rifton Activity Chair is perfect for active learning, feeding and speech therapy as well as for clients with sensory processing challenges.
The Evolv is a modular sit to stand stander with over 60 support and positioning components. The base unit is functional for many users, however when more support is needed a wide variety of positioning components can be added to accommodate the most involved users.
The AIREX ® Balance Pad has a unique waffle texture on the upper and lower sides is slip-resistant and is the perfect introduction to barefoot balance training.
Designed as temporary seats for users who may lack the stamina to stand or walk for long periods.