Designed to make walking less energy consuming, improve alignment and maximize potential for walking.
KAYE Posture Control Walkers place the support behind the user, requiring the person to adapt to a more upright posture and places the centre mass within the base of the support of the walker.
The Rifton HTS (Hygiene and Toileting System) is designed for optimal positioning for natural elimination.
The AIREX ® Balance Pad has a unique waffle texture on the upper and lower sides is slip-resistant and is the perfect introduction to barefoot balance training.
The Rifton Activity Chair is perfect for active learning, feeding and speech therapy as well as for clients with sensory processing challenges.
The Airex® Balance Beam utilises the soft closed-cell foam of the Balance Pad and extends it to create a new balance training product. The Balance Beam provides a base for walking toe-to-toe and for improving lower and upper-body stabilization and coordination.