Designed for users who can support weight on their legs and take steps, but who lack the balance or body and shoulder control to use more traditional walkers.
KAYE Anterior Support Walkers are designed for users who can support weight on their legs and take steps, but who lack the balance or body and shoulder control to use more traditional walkers. Specifically, these walkers were designed for users with severe spasticity, athetosis, or ataxia.
The AIREX ® Balance Pad has a unique waffle texture on the upper and lower sides is slip-resistant and is the perfect introduction to barefoot balance training.
The Convaid EZ Rider upright wheelchairs are perfect for active children and teenagers with good upper body strength and stability. These convenient, lightweight and compact folding wheelchairs fold and go in seconds!
The ideal all-round yoga mat for your individual yoga training.
The Fixi and Fox is a colourful anterior walker for kids with forearm support.