The Bantam line of standers are the only sit to stand standers that can combine the option of supine positioning to create infinite positioning possibilities from 90-90 sitting, fully vertical standing, full supine lying and anywhere in between.
The Bantam line of standers are the only sit to stand standers that can combine the option of supine positioning to create infinite positioning possibilities from 90-90 sitting, fully vertical standing, full supine lying and anywhere in between. No other standers can provide the amount of positioning that is possible with the EasyStand Bantam.
The EasyStand Bantam is the only standing frame to combine a sit-to-stand transition with the added function of a supine stander. By alternating positions, a child can tolerate standing for a longer period of time. Also, when it is safer and easier for a caregiver to transfer and stand a child, the child will stand more often, increasing standing compliance. The Bantam fits kids from early intervention through primary school.
Bantam-Extra Small Stander: Fits kids 28”-40” tall and up to 50 lbs. Bantam-Small Stander: Fits kids 36”-54” tall and up to 100 lbs.
Unique options found only on the EasyStand Bantam:
Base Unit
Shadow Tray
The EasyStand Zing Multi-Position Stander (MPS) is the only paediatric stander that allows a child to seamlessly go from full supine to prone without having to change, turn or flip pads, trays, and foot plates or transfer a child in and out of the stander.
The Evolv is a modular sit to stand stander with over 60 support and positioning components. The base unit is functional for many users, however when more support is needed a wide variety of positioning components can be added to accommodate the most involved users.
The ideal all-round yoga mat for your individual yoga training.
The DoBuggy Stroller is designed for children with special needs. This comfortable and sturdy buggy provides a value for money practical solution to taking your child out and about.
Able to carry children up to 50kg, the DoBuggy comes with a 5-point adjustable harness and adjustable height footrest.